Episode 206

Published on:

23rd Jun 2022

What Happened to Curiosity and Wonder?

In this episode Jill and Grant talk about common instructional practices which seem to be in opposition to cultivating curiosity and wonder.

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About the Podcast

Abundantly Charged
Cultivating Curiosity and Wonder in Our Classrooms
As we begin to think about life on the other side of a global pandemic, we realize that everything in life is forever changed. We are all in the midst of creating new routines in all aspects of our lives, from how we shop, to how we socialize, to how we travel, and spend our free time. We are contemplating new ways to think about how we integrate work and home, and even how we educate our children.

We’ve learned… (1) our children cannot and should not be measured on high-stakes tests alone; (2) there are multiple ways to connect with our students and we need to move away from a one-size fits all approach to teaching and learning; (3) we need to engage our students in pedagogy and experiences that respect each student’s human desire to learn; and (4) that the cultivation of curiosity and wonder in our curriculum and in our instruction invites each of our students to experience profound relevance and connection to the people and the world around them.

Join us as we mix in-depth conversations and interviews exploring how to cultivate wonder and curiosity in Abundantly Charged classrooms.

About your hosts

Grant Chandler

Profile picture for Grant Chandler
Grant A. Chandler, Ph.D., is currently the president and chief executive officer of Students Matter, LLC. whose mission is to provide local district leaders with the professional learning, technical expertise, tools, resources, and support needed for the sole purpose of assisting you in proving to each student that they are both distinctive and irreplaceable as you nurture their infinite potential.
Since 2005, Dr. Grant Chandler has designed and led professional learning experiences at many levels of the K-12 arena and for many different audiences. He has often been a keynote speaker and has made presentations and led professional learning workshops and seminars for local school districts, executive administrators, state education agencies, state-wide professional educational organizations, and intermediate school district personnel. Chandler’s professional work focuses on district-led systems solutions, executive coaching, curriculum & assessment, improving classroom instruction, creating high-performing high districts, balanced governance, evaluation, and leadership training.
Dr. Chandler has served for over thirty years in public education where he served as a high school classroom teacher, building administrator, academic dean in higher education and director of professional learning in a large university. He created a coherent approach to systemic improvement used by over 100 local school districts and has designed, coordinated and delivered state-wide professional learning conferences for over 400 participants and has written and delivered over 100 seminars and workshops for state leaders as well as local district and building leaders. He was previously recognized by USED as a national expert in small learning communities.

Jill Lewis

Profile picture for Jill Lewis
Jill Lewis is a passionate educator with classroom and coaching experience in Pre-K through college levels. During her tenure, she served as an instructional literacy coach while honing her craft in the classroom. Jill observed teachers, presented feedback to colleagues, and held independent dialogue sessions supporting them in implementing best instructional practices. Lewis was an integral member of the school leadership team that propelled the school forward in school climate initiatives, professional development, and parental learning opportunities. She also facilitated multiple team meetings developing processes for compiling, using, and reporting data for the successfulness of students. Jill is Nationally Board Certified in Reading/Language Arts for the Early and Middle Grades.

Jill began her work in higher education at Adams State University in the extended studies program. There she taught classes for second-career teaching candidates providing the necessary skills to be successful. Working as a publishing company consultant, she was lead in the areas of literacy, math, standards, and assessment.

Seven years ago, Jill’s entrepreneurial skills were developed as she opened her own consulting business, Brilliance & Beyond, LLC. As a consultant for schools and districts throughout the country in all areas of curriculum and assessment, she regularly presents at conferences throughout the nation on best instructional strategies, strategic development, teacher leadership, and continues to offer support in refining processes within the educational system. Furthermore, Jill develops curriculum and delivers online instruction for Adams State University. Lewis is an ASCD faculty member, who works with schools in numerous areas.

Jill is the author of four published study guides: 101 Questions & Answers about Standards, Assessment and Accountability Study Guide, 101 More Questions & Answers about Standards, Assessment and Accountability Study Guide, Unwrapping the Standards Study Guide, and Reason to Write: Help Your Child Succeed in School and in Life through Better Reasoning and Clear Communication Study Guide. In addition, she authored the children’s book, Eli & the Naughty Guys, available on Kindle.

Lewis received her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education with a minor in history from the University of Central Arkansas, and her master’s degree in Administration and Supervision from the University of Phoenix. Jill is the president of CO ASCD, the oldest educational group in Colorado.